Buiten Beeld


May 15 – Sept 30  2014  CODA  Museum Apeldoorn

Sculpture exhibition in the museum garden. With Erzsi Pennings, Henrique van Putten, Jos van Doorn, Marjolijn Mandesloot, and Ralph Lambertz.

Bronbekers in beeld

commission, Exhibition

 April 6 – December 31 2013   Museum Bronbeek, Arnhem

Exhibition as part of the celebration of the 150 year anniversary of Museum Bronbeek. Seven artists made a sculpture based on the life of a former resident of Bronbeek, also a retirement home for military veterans. With Lique Schoot, Maria Roosen, Space Cowboys, Rob Voerman, Lobke Burgers and Lee Eun Young.


Imitatie, nadoen is een kunst


 Oct 17 2013 – Sept 7 2014  Museon, Den Haag

Exhibition about imitation and the many ways in which we are inspired by nature, when designing our world. Examples from different fields – fashion, science, technology and art. In the art section also works by  Gurt Swanenberg, Johan Scherft and Saskia van Dijk